Committees focus on issues affecting the membership or the association. Members are encouraged to participate and provide input on the topics presented by the committee. All MAPPS Committees are open to members with interest and expertise in the topic areas with the exception of the Program Committee, Legislative Affairs Committee and MAPPS PAC. These committees are appointed by the President and seek input from the membership.
Explore the current membership structure in order to assure growth for the association, including exploration of trends in the profession (mergers & acquisitions) and a review of the definitions associated with each membership (to assure that emerging markets/technologies are covered in the MAPPS definitions). The committee will work with staff to design, develop and implement programs to promote membership in MAPPS. Membership on this committee is by appointment by the President of MAPPS.
The program committee is responsible for coordinating the sessions at the MAPPS Summer and Winter Conferences. The program committee seeks input from the membership on a variety of topics including business trends, technology, best practices and networking.
Associate Members Committee shall provide a forum for the principals of Associate Member firms in MAPPS to assure that these firms are fully integrated in the activities of MAPPS; be a vehicle for the MAPPS Board to solicit these members input on issues; provide input to the Program Committee on sessions, speakers and topics to be addresses at MAPPS conferences affecting Associate Members interests, and assist the Board and Membership Committee in recruiting new Associate Members to MAPPS.