Committees focus on issues affecting the membership or the association. Members are encouraged to participate and provide input on the topics presented by the committee. All MAPPS Committees are open to members with interest and expertise in the topic areas with the exception of the Program Committee, Legislative Affairs Committee and MAPPS PAC. These committees are appointed by the President and seek input from the membership.

Forums are communities within MAPPS that address issues affecting firms, their products and services, and markets. Each member firm of MAPPS should select at least one forum. Forums not only meet at MAPPS conferences, but host occasional conference calls, organize webinars, and engage in communications using the features provided through the MAPPS web site outside of and during time period between MAPPS conferences. Forums provide members an even greater sense of "belonging and add value to being a member firm in MAPPS. Forums are a way for members to share and gain information and knowledge, network, solve problems, and work with their peers to improve their business and contribute to the well being of the geospatial profession at and apart from attendance at MAPPS meetings and conferences.